So yesterday I started my adventure on having amazing skin without all the darn acne scars. At first I thought it wasn't working but after two minutes I felt it. And oh boy did I really feel it. I just can't wait to actually see my results after all this nasty peeling.
So this is me before I started my peel.

And this is what I would look like after a lil makeup. Which I don't use much but it does help out a lot. Thanks to The men pen

And then this is right after I did the peel. I did frost a little bit which you can't really tell on these pics because my phone made them smaller then they really are :/ But I did avoid letting it stay on to long since I read for about a week on all the reviews and all the youtube videos of people burning themselves. So I knew once I soll some white it was time to rinse off. Which people never told me that trying to get it off was the most painful thing ever. Water wasn't helping so made sure I had mixed some baking soda and water together in a cup before doing this incase it was extreme. So I threw that on my face and it burned 10x more for like 3 seconds then finally was calmed down. Which I guess if you don't numb your face before this then you just gotta deal with boiling water on your face. lol.

I also applied the peel to my Tattoo and my scar on my arm from when I cut myself back when I was 14 which was nearly ten years ago. Which I didn't leave on so long because it was actually hurting more then getting the tattoo. So I had only left it on for like a minute. I don't notice any skin tightening at all so I don't know if it worked.

Now these pictures are a day after. Which I have noticed my face is getting really tight and red. I have broke out from the process a little bit. But the TCA actually just pushed out all the other impurities. So I am kinda pleased on that behalf. Which I am not sure if it is actually 24hrs after but you can still see the difference in my skin from yesterday to today. I also applied jojoba oil to my face to keep it hydrated and almond oil with vitamin E which comes in a nice little chap-stick that I applied to my face. Which has helped with my face a lot. It soothes while moisturizing my skin. Feels amazing. I am still skeptical about putting chap-stick on my face but who cares. I just literally burned my face off. So I don't think anything is worse then that. lol. I am bright red but you could only tell when I didn't use flash since I was to lazy to get out of bed to take the pics and open the window for natural lighting. I will keep this updated daily until I have completed this TCA peel. Then I will be doing another peel of TCA since the 1 Dram has two applications. Which in the not so distant future I will actually have to buy a bigger size which I am thinking 1oz/30ml so that I can have many more peels ahead of me. I really just want to get rid of the tattoo so it may take up to ten applications. Some people have gotten it off in 6 but I don't mind reapplying every other week so that when I take my clothes off that I don't think of my ex. So this will be a great thing for me. I am super excited :D

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