So today is Valentines day. :D
I have been so busy these past few weeks. I feel like time has not stopped yet. I still need that brake, but I actually have been doing so much better. I am still lazy and not really caring about school. Which is bad, I am paying attention in classes though. So it's all what/ev. Last night Aaron gave me my first pre valentines day gift. He is so sweet. He gave me a closet organizer that I have been wanting for like 6 years. Just never managed to buy it for myself. Anywho I spent most of my night fixing up my closet.
I guess it is still a work in process. I have class in just about a hour. So I may need to update some other day.
We woke up today together. It was really super cold. Actually really sucked that it was that freezing. But I got up got the coffee mug I got for him and made some sweetened green tea. The mug I got him was a chalk board mug and I wrote on it saying that I love him and some sweet notes. I gave that to him along with the heart of chocklates. Yea I know the heart is a must have for Valentines day. Dove chocklates in a cute metal tin. Like a darker red and mattalic looking I guess. He was happy. Then I came out with the white box. Oh wait lol. I will have to go back now. Aaron woke me up this morning with his chockaltes and the cutest couples coupons. I have always mentioned this and I was so happy that he got those. So now I get to use the couples coupons when ever I want and he wont be able to say anything :P But along with this was a dozen Roses. Omg. Isn't Aaron so amazing! I was more then 75 percent asleep when this had all happened but I loved it sooo much. I actually think I fell back to sleep then he got out of the shower and I woke back up and then gave him my stuff. Now back to the white box. I had bought matching personalized shirts of our symbol of when we got together. [FAAK] 11-6-06. I believed that he loved him. lol. But then I came out with the other box and his eyes lit up so much. So then he gave me my things. This green shirt that has a tie that is a light but porminent green with the cutest khakis. Then he got me hollister clothes that are supah cute too :D
Well enough bragging. Just today is such a great day. And it is not over yet.
2/17/2011 8:00
Sorry I didn't get back. But that day went really well. Was really super amazing. Aaron got me a suit :D it is soooooo amazing!
Will post pictures later >_<
I love you if you are reading this. :D
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