So Now that I got my updates of all the acid and acne crap. I been feeling like my life has purpose and I have yet to discover what this really means to me. I have had dreams that I become famous and or rich or something happens to me that I become in the history books. I don't know why I been feeling like this. I have always felt so good about my life being below normal and or average. I just feel like I am ready for life to start and give me the things that I need. I am ready for all that it has to offer. I need people in my life, well certain people in my life. I just need to learn how to forget certain other people and how to hate people. Which I have no hate in me at all. I don't understand this about me. People can be mad and what not and never talk to others. While I am here always wondering what happened to that one other person that I have known and what not. I on the other hand always forget. I can be bitchy and naggy but doesn't mean I a hate someone or can hold a grudge longer then a minute. I read up on it and I still can't seam to learn that. Well. Gotta get to bed. I love you if you actually read my life and problems and issues. <3
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
New updates. TCA #2
So today is my 24 hours from my second TCA peel 25% I also have been doing the derma roller every sunday followed by the 40% glycolic peel on Mondays. I haven't noticed much of a difference. But yet it is so gradual that I am unable to notice it myself. Plus it has only been one month of actually doing all of this. I just can't wait until I have a perfect face like the famous people do. I did go back home last week and my brother said that my face looked really good. Which I am not to sure if its that noticeable yet. I still have like months and months of all this burning my face off. I have noticed that my tattoo has gotten lighter. Not by completely much though. I do need to wear more sunscreen though. I feel as if I have been lacking from actually doing that for my skin. I am still taking my Doxycycline medication but I do end up forgetting to take it every-once in awhile. (which is like every other day) lol. So I just took my two pills now that I wrote about them. Ha. I have noticed that doing all of the chemicals I haven't broken out in awhile. It just shows more of all my scars instead of being inflamed with acne. I don't have any pictures to update but I do have a photo from my vacation.

So Now that I got my updates of all the acid and acne crap. I been feeling like my life has purpose and I have yet to discover what this really means to me. I have had dreams that I become famous and or rich or something happens to me that I become in the history books. I don't know why I been feeling like this. I have always felt so good about my life being below normal and or average. I just feel like I am ready for life to start and give me the things that I need. I am ready for all that it has to offer. I need people in my life, well certain people in my life. I just need to learn how to forget certain other people and how to hate people. Which I have no hate in me at all. I don't understand this about me. People can be mad and what not and never talk to others. While I am here always wondering what happened to that one other person that I have known and what not. I on the other hand always forget. I can be bitchy and naggy but doesn't mean I a hate someone or can hold a grudge longer then a minute. I read up on it and I still can't seam to learn that. Well. Gotta get to bed. I love you if you actually read my life and problems and issues. <3
So Now that I got my updates of all the acid and acne crap. I been feeling like my life has purpose and I have yet to discover what this really means to me. I have had dreams that I become famous and or rich or something happens to me that I become in the history books. I don't know why I been feeling like this. I have always felt so good about my life being below normal and or average. I just feel like I am ready for life to start and give me the things that I need. I am ready for all that it has to offer. I need people in my life, well certain people in my life. I just need to learn how to forget certain other people and how to hate people. Which I have no hate in me at all. I don't understand this about me. People can be mad and what not and never talk to others. While I am here always wondering what happened to that one other person that I have known and what not. I on the other hand always forget. I can be bitchy and naggy but doesn't mean I a hate someone or can hold a grudge longer then a minute. I read up on it and I still can't seam to learn that. Well. Gotta get to bed. I love you if you actually read my life and problems and issues. <3
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Glycolic Update
I don't really see a difference in any of the peels that I have done. I don't understand why those people online have gotten such amazing results. I will have to do it a lot more. I just almost see no point in it all. It really hurts and seams to make no difference in my acne or scars or even my wrinkles. The only thing that it has done is just make me glow as if I was a pregnant girl. So now I am stuck on actually doing the peels or not doing the peels. Maybe I will just do it weekly until the product is gone then figure out the before and after instead of thinking of some amazing thing was going to all of a sudden happen. On the other note I am able to tell that when I use the peels that It makes me break out and pushes out the acne the was going to come and then I seam to be clear but have that to worry about and to heel. So I guess the glycolic wasn't for any acne scarring and just for acne. To push out all the impurities that was in my face. My next peel is on Saturday before we leave to california. We are going to hit up Vegas before we get out there and spend a entire day walking around being weird I guess. I am looking forward to seeing my bro again. I wanna ask him if I can take his upgrade for a new phone. But the new Iphone 5 hasn't came out yet so I see no point just yet. So I am still stuck with my HTC inspire 4g. Which is fine I just want something new and different. It seams like I have had this thing forever and a day. But it has only been about a year and if that. So I will update the pictures with how I look today. Rememeber that I had just woken up and it is a boring lazy day. Love you if you read this

Sunday, March 4, 2012
40% glycolic acid peel
This picture is the After the TCA experiment and right before I did the Glycolic peel.

So today it has been nearly a week since I have done my TCA peel. Which tomorrow should be the full week. But I was getting anxious and totally had to do this other peel that I had gotten in the mail. I was super excited for this product as well. Only really because I knew that I wouldn't look like a zombie after using this product. So it made me a super happy person. The TCA hasn't really showed much of a difference once it was all heeled up. It only took me 3-4 days of actual peeling to get rid of it all. Although I have enough for one more peel which I will end up doing after I come back from my vacation in like two weeks. The glycolic went well. It did hurt but the instructions that it came with helped me in more then one way. It became a fan that I used to air dry it and make it less burning. Which felt great. I also put the acid on my Tattoo. Dunno if it will do much but anything is worth a try. I will be doing Glycolic peel's weekly part of my Sunday wash away program. Which usually starts off with ridding a hang over and laundry and getting ready for the week coming up. My derma roller still has not came in yet. I am kinda iffy on if it actually will or not. I have no clue where it has gone. Which makes me really sad because I was really looking forward to receiving this product. Although I am super terrified on if it would hurt or not. People saying that it makes popping sounds isn't all the intriguing.

So today it has been nearly a week since I have done my TCA peel. Which tomorrow should be the full week. But I was getting anxious and totally had to do this other peel that I had gotten in the mail. I was super excited for this product as well. Only really because I knew that I wouldn't look like a zombie after using this product. So it made me a super happy person. The TCA hasn't really showed much of a difference once it was all heeled up. It only took me 3-4 days of actual peeling to get rid of it all. Although I have enough for one more peel which I will end up doing after I come back from my vacation in like two weeks. The glycolic went well. It did hurt but the instructions that it came with helped me in more then one way. It became a fan that I used to air dry it and make it less burning. Which felt great. I also put the acid on my Tattoo. Dunno if it will do much but anything is worth a try. I will be doing Glycolic peel's weekly part of my Sunday wash away program. Which usually starts off with ridding a hang over and laundry and getting ready for the week coming up. My derma roller still has not came in yet. I am kinda iffy on if it actually will or not. I have no clue where it has gone. Which makes me really sad because I was really looking forward to receiving this product. Although I am super terrified on if it would hurt or not. People saying that it makes popping sounds isn't all the intriguing.

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