So Now that I got my updates of all the acid and acne crap. I been feeling like my life has purpose and I have yet to discover what this really means to me. I have had dreams that I become famous and or rich or something happens to me that I become in the history books. I don't know why I been feeling like this. I have always felt so good about my life being below normal and or average. I just feel like I am ready for life to start and give me the things that I need. I am ready for all that it has to offer. I need people in my life, well certain people in my life. I just need to learn how to forget certain other people and how to hate people. Which I have no hate in me at all. I don't understand this about me. People can be mad and what not and never talk to others. While I am here always wondering what happened to that one other person that I have known and what not. I on the other hand always forget. I can be bitchy and naggy but doesn't mean I a hate someone or can hold a grudge longer then a minute. I read up on it and I still can't seam to learn that. Well. Gotta get to bed. I love you if you actually read my life and problems and issues. <3
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
New updates. TCA #2
So today is my 24 hours from my second TCA peel 25% I also have been doing the derma roller every sunday followed by the 40% glycolic peel on Mondays. I haven't noticed much of a difference. But yet it is so gradual that I am unable to notice it myself. Plus it has only been one month of actually doing all of this. I just can't wait until I have a perfect face like the famous people do. I did go back home last week and my brother said that my face looked really good. Which I am not to sure if its that noticeable yet. I still have like months and months of all this burning my face off. I have noticed that my tattoo has gotten lighter. Not by completely much though. I do need to wear more sunscreen though. I feel as if I have been lacking from actually doing that for my skin. I am still taking my Doxycycline medication but I do end up forgetting to take it every-once in awhile. (which is like every other day) lol. So I just took my two pills now that I wrote about them. Ha. I have noticed that doing all of the chemicals I haven't broken out in awhile. It just shows more of all my scars instead of being inflamed with acne. I don't have any pictures to update but I do have a photo from my vacation.

So Now that I got my updates of all the acid and acne crap. I been feeling like my life has purpose and I have yet to discover what this really means to me. I have had dreams that I become famous and or rich or something happens to me that I become in the history books. I don't know why I been feeling like this. I have always felt so good about my life being below normal and or average. I just feel like I am ready for life to start and give me the things that I need. I am ready for all that it has to offer. I need people in my life, well certain people in my life. I just need to learn how to forget certain other people and how to hate people. Which I have no hate in me at all. I don't understand this about me. People can be mad and what not and never talk to others. While I am here always wondering what happened to that one other person that I have known and what not. I on the other hand always forget. I can be bitchy and naggy but doesn't mean I a hate someone or can hold a grudge longer then a minute. I read up on it and I still can't seam to learn that. Well. Gotta get to bed. I love you if you actually read my life and problems and issues. <3
So Now that I got my updates of all the acid and acne crap. I been feeling like my life has purpose and I have yet to discover what this really means to me. I have had dreams that I become famous and or rich or something happens to me that I become in the history books. I don't know why I been feeling like this. I have always felt so good about my life being below normal and or average. I just feel like I am ready for life to start and give me the things that I need. I am ready for all that it has to offer. I need people in my life, well certain people in my life. I just need to learn how to forget certain other people and how to hate people. Which I have no hate in me at all. I don't understand this about me. People can be mad and what not and never talk to others. While I am here always wondering what happened to that one other person that I have known and what not. I on the other hand always forget. I can be bitchy and naggy but doesn't mean I a hate someone or can hold a grudge longer then a minute. I read up on it and I still can't seam to learn that. Well. Gotta get to bed. I love you if you actually read my life and problems and issues. <3
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