This is a picture of me from the other day at the beach. Thought it was cute :D
Is doing it to me yet again. I can't belive that now he actually does want me to go. It is freaking crazy. I will be going to Alabama for a lil while I guess. So fucking happy right now. My birthday is around the corner. Omg I am uber stoked.I can't wait to sleep in his arms all night. I know this is going to be a lil crazy. But oh my. I am so fucking excited. You have no idea. This boy has my heart already. I know I am crazy to even think that right now. Should only be thinking like this after at least 6 months. Maybe it is that he reminds me of all the perfect qualities I want in a man. All though he is a lil ho. But I can look past that. Just the one thing he told me today really hurt but I still will go. I mean you don't tell someone that he has "friends" that he wants to hang out with whom may be potential boyfriends. HELLO!?!?! I am the potential. Unless I am nothing but just a guy to fuck and leave at the house while he goes and finds the real men. How insane!!! :/ But it is whatever. I am not going to let it bring me down. But I know he still plans on it all. I know I am going to be the one crying all day/night about it. That's what really sucks. Thinking about it makes me sad but actually being the guy to wait around like this is insane. Well I have turned my blogger into my own personal Diary. I would hate to know if anyone read what I type. But I have no one else to talk to so I secretly wish someone was reading so I keep it open. I just am lost in life. I wish I had a real man to be next to my side.
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