And also this is me the other day. Since you haven't seen me in some time.

Should I be a illegal drinker one last time of my life?!?! Lol wouldn't that be funny. Might as well live it up now and have my drinks at midnight
-Here is something that really sparked my eye. It was on charmed:
You only hate me because you once loved me. After all we all hate once someone
close to us. Those who got close enough to touch our hearts
So I have eight days until all the holidays start. This is going to be a really bad time for me. I don't want to be alone on the holidays. I just have no one else to spend it with. I don't have my ex husband Aaron anymore to be next to my side. So the holidays start off with my birthday then goes to Halloween. Then Nov 6 will be Aaron and mine fifth year anniversary. Well what could have been our fifth if we made it to it. The worst day ever. No idea how I am going to be able to handle that one. Other then being super wasted or drugged up somehow. Maybe that day will go out in a bang of death. Then Christmas is in December. Which I only had my Aaron for the last four times. I never even got a gift from anyone. I waited for a card with just simple nothings, but I never got that either. How fucking pathetic of a person to have a big family and no one recognizes that fact. It's uber shitty. Then new years first kiss then my poor Valentines day. February is the worst month ever for me. Never know how to do anything right to where I always fuck up my relationships over valrntines day. Be it a week or two weeks from it. I never let it down and get shitted on. I have a problem of true happiness. When I get excited and happy I get overwhelmed and become mean and rude. I still don't understand why I do this. It's gotta be a bipo thing. I just want to be happy in life. Then comes st pattys then Easter then spring then aarons bday. By that time he should already found a new love. If not already. Kinda pathetic that I love him still like I never lost him. But I know if I was in town. He wouldn't be able to resist. At least that's what I keep in my head. Last time I went to modesto we had sex and he told me he loved me and repeated Faak in my ear while he was making love to me. This was after the break up. I just wish I never did anything bad to him so that I can still have him. Is that a silly thing to wish and to want? So in life all I ever wanted is to have my husband and to have a family and a place to call home where I have a stable job. These four things are the missing pieces in my heart. I am unable to attain them. So when is it my turn to be happy again? Not just happy but when can all of my hopes and.dreams come true instead of them only being true when I fall asleep. Please let me know asap. I would def love an answer
I am stuck in the worst position of my life. I want to cry but I am masking it super hard. I keep pushing but nothing seams to ever really work. Why don't things ever work out like they should!?!?! I mean I pray and pray and pray but I still never find my right path in this life. Figured Florida would have been uber easier then what I thought. But it is the same bull shit. I just want to be happy and have a husband. A real man in my life with no bullshit. Seams like everyone I do find has some sort of emotional ties or some sort of cheating bull shit. It's time to live under Rock and die. Why cant someone actually just do it for me. When is my time?!?! God needs to determine this shit a lot faster cause this needs to just happen already. I do nothing right. I just don't understand it at all.
I know that I am not perfect. Why strive for something that I can not ever become. I just wish I found that one man who does think that I am perfect. To bad that one I let go. I really miss my pooh bear
Well. Things didn't work out. I was just used as a filler for him. I went to fast I guess. Being super vulnerable is my problem. I pushed him to hard and way to fast that I scared the fuck out of him. So Romeo will always just be a dream. I don't understand really what I did wrong. I feel like I was just to ugly for him. I don't have much to offer but my heart and a smile. Guys want someone who is already stable and has everything in life. I wasn't handed the golden egg growing up so I'm trying to do the best I can. My 21st bday is in the next month. I will enlist in the navy cause I know I can make a life in the service. It may be hard and difficult but I know this is my only option now. I don't want to have to work a job where I'm going nowhere in life. I just want to be happy. I just want to be able to have my own place and car and a nice job. I wish I had my family to lean on but that is absent too. I am such a pitty and a nut case. My future only means for me to be lonely. I can't handle gay men anymore. I should just get a wife from a different country and have kids. She would be loyal to me and bear children for me. Sounds like a great idea. Maybe. I just want to be deployed out and never see life again. I want to scrape the barnickles off the ship with a bunch of sexy navy men. I can't wait to enlist and get out into the world.
I am laying in bed. Only slept like 4 hours. I can't get him out of ny head. This guys name is Mr.Romeo. Omg like how much more better can that one get!?!?! Lol. Well I dunno what it is about this guy cause when I first met him I felt like I already loved and cared about this guy. My heart has those sparks again that I haven't felt since I was 16. The only problem is that I dunno where to start with him or what to do. Sounds silly right? Can't teach a old dog new tricks. Fuck!! Well the only problem is that he is way to good for me. He is everything I dreamed about and then some. He is a gorgeous man. I feel like I was in a relationship for so long that I dunno where to begin. I just get scared and then that turns into super omega bitchy Kenny. Lol. But this man is simply amazing. The funny thing is that I am a month older then him. This probably won't last long once he figures out who I am and that I have nothing to offer. I mean I wish my heart and a smile would be good enough. Probably not with this babe. I am even considering moving all the way to Alabama. Lmao. Did I really give up California or even Florida for Alabama!?!?! Am I that crazy. I mean this guy. When I soll him I felt like I loved him. I dream about him and he's always on my mind. This is crazy to be acting like this. I just can't decipher if its cause I think he is gorgeous. "love or lust" To me I would think in order to want to be with someone you have to want them in every aspect.
Oh Romeo oh Romeo. You stole my heart
As I sit here in Florida for the second time in my life within a month apart. I still can't think of anything else but my ex. I wish I could stop doing all of this but it still bothers me so much. I dunno how to let anyone into my heart cause it is so guarded. I was asked today if I ask all the things I ask was because I am the one who cheats. I just know how boys are and they talk to almost everyone they possibly can to feel whole when feeling empty. This is so sad that I think this way. I am so bitchy and messy I seam to never do anything right or correct or up to stAndards then everyone else. My belly is so disgusting, I have never felt so fat in my life. This guy is amazing, but I know I am not what he prefers. I have acne, I am hairy, and I don't have a perfect swimmers body. I feel so lost. Should I move out here or should I stay as lost and lonely in riverside. I have been moving around way to much. It is making me so depressed. I should have just went to Washington dc with my job. At least it would have been a job for me to carry on. I just wanna cry and cry and run away. But I can't. No money, no love, no home, no job, no perfect body, no perfect attitude. I see how everyone gets tired of me like yesterdays trash. So I look at myself like I am trash. I dunno who to talk to or who to run to. I don't use anyone but everyone says I do or thinks I do. I can tell the regret in your eyes. I wish I was dead. I wish I. Could just cast obliviate to my pictures to make myself disappear from everything I have ever done or anyone's thoughts. I need to die. I can't take it anymore. I have no family, no friends, Nd no love or life. Where does someone like me go, other then six feet under. Please god help me
How do you stop loving someone? I can't open up to anyone else. And every night is a nightmare cause I feel like he's fucking someone else. Fml. It's so hard. This pic has never stopped yet nd I need it to be. I just know that being in his arms again will make my life complete again. But I know he will never want me again. Plus he hasn't loved me for awhile anyway. And here I am fucking worshiping the ground he walks on
No one sees me in pain. I hid it from the world. I should be asking for help. But I live in no where with no one to talk to. The one person who actually was their for me is no longer. What do I do? Where do I go from here? Should I just keep working to pay off ky own funeral? Save for a casket and everything I would need. Since I wouldn't be able to go anywhere else. I have no one. People act like they care just cause they have to because its family. I don't have friends who like me or care to see me. My life is pathetic. I need my Aaron. I really believe I might not make it out of 2011 alive. I need someone to care for me and to love me and to call me. I pay for a cell phone just to have the internet and music. No one calls me. No one texts me unless I text them or its a holiday. The only people who call me is telemarketing people. But i get excited when that happens. Cause I have someone calling me and asking for me. So I talk to them for a minute before I tell them. I'm not interested in what their selling. I constantly dream and hope to be back in his arms but it will never happen again. I know he didn't want me anymore and was already talking to other people, was just waiting for me to go away. It's life right? I don't have one. I had him and he made me have a family, friends, love, a true lover and giver,.a real man who was always their and helped me understand life and showed me life and love and was my parent, he was my model in life. Now who do I look up to? I don't have Ny figures in this world like I did back at home. My life is now nothing. Should I ride it out to see how life will be and just hit 21. But I don't wanna be alive on my 5th year anniversary with out my husband. How painful would that be. I don't even want to start a new life with anyone. Why? How do I explain who I am when I don't know who I am because I was all Aaron. I look up high for answers but I am not finding them just yet. Life is gone for me and I am empty. I just need to be in his arms again
Every day it gets worse. No one cares about me anymore. I have no one. No family. No friends. No home. No love. No food. No money. No diploma. No bed. No car. No goals. Nothing to make me happy.
I can't take this anymore. Drinking is the only thing helping me because it makes me not care that no one is their for me.
I really do believe this is the end for me. I can't smile anymore I can't laugh I can't think I can't support myself. I can't eat sleep or use the potty regularly.
I dont fit into this whole straight society. No one will hire me
and I'm scared of losing my job because of being gay. So why bother
Everyone I come into contact. Uses me and my niceness. Everyone I'm interested in and who I believed I was like them, always said they don't like the things I'm into. I tried for 5 years for Aaron to understand that I love the same music. In not just set in stone though. I love everything.
Days go by. It gets harder. I need someone to care. To hold me and kiss these thoughts out. But I doing have anyone except this blogger to talk to. Please world. Where us my place. Where do I belong? Will I last a week longer?
Im not sure if I will anymore
I am further then alone anymore. My significant other by now has probably been talking to jailbate again. I need him.
My life has zero worth anymore.
I might not make it another month. I really can't do this alone anymore.
Good bye